Coronavirus – What to do for your business

In this episode of Revenue Accelerator Podcast, we have invited Bob Graham, keynote speaker, coach, and Owner of Breakthrough Solutions. Bob is an avid promoter of soft skills that centers around communication. He helps people become more effective in dealing with others. Today, Bob talks about soft skills and why it is an important factor for your success.

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Bob explains that communication happens all the time to our friends, families, enemies, colleagues, etc. Humanity believed that technology will fix it. It did bring people “closer” but you can never express something genuinely through data. There’s a certain amount of logic and instinct that mere technology cannot offer. Experience and knowledge on the subject matter still matters in the end.

Conversation piece people missed


People find it difficult to feel comfortable in a new situation. Bob suggests to ask questions to the person you are talking with. Talk about their day or anything appropriate you think of to kick things off.


Social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. are not a replacement for an actual conversation. It is not the same as sitting in a coffee shop with someone, observing something together that creates a shared experience to build trust. These genuine, face-to-face conversations lead to people feeling good about each other.

Generational Conversation


Millennials and GenZ look for a close bond. They want to sit at the big table with the leader. If you are the leader or older than them, get them to that table as quickly as possible. Ask them questions because that makes them feel valued and appreciated for their contributions.


Everyone, regardless of age, should have that shared vision. Millennials and GenZ have a deep understanding of technology. Unfortunately, if a 27-year-old tells a 60-year-old they are doing it wrong, that person will be pissed off. Iinstead, initiate the conversation politely and if you want to offer your assistance, always start it with “can I.”


Ego plays a big role in cross-generational miscommunication. The other thing is fear of inferiority and imposter syndrome.


The challenge for managers is to prevent older managers clash with young ones. Old employers should not incorporate their thoughts and impressions from their children to the younger employees, and vice-versa—this is the recipe for a disaster. Older people can learn from younger people on how they do the work-life balance.

Other Soft Skills to pay attention to


Bob explained that Harvard and Carnegie Mellon did a study showing that 85% of people’s career success comes from soft skills. It is unlucky that the education system focuses on theories, process, art – hard skills – instead achieving balance between the two. This disconnect is what you often see to employees. People struggle with patience and good listening skills—these two are important for your journey as well.

The SMART Process


Bob created the SMART process to create an excellent team:

  •   Strategize. Know what you are trying to do.
  •   Market. Have effective communication with your team, what’s on their minds, and how you take those challenges. Good teams move back and forth with responsibilities.
  •   Act. You strategized and communication, now don’t chase the shiny object. Do things that matter and hold your team accountable for their actions.
  •   Review. During meetings, review the things that happened. Find out what needs to be moved, who should be held responsible for the task, analyze your employees’ skills, and build trust as you work towards the goal while staying authentic.
  •   Track. Track what’s going on holistically. Know the performance-over-time of your employees to see who did best and worse.

This process can be done in small, medium, to large projects. When you get the mechanics down, you can scale it to your situation.



Always be ready for challenging situations. The number one thing employers should think is where you want the soft skills shine during crisis.


Learn more about Bob Graham and his services on:



