Revenue Accelerator with Jessica Creane

A play is a fictional work that can be viewed or heard at a theater, television, or the radio. Plays are intriguing because they can be interpreted in numerous ways. Jessica Creane uses Play to investigate complicated climate change, ethics, chaos, and team dynamics. In this episode of The Revenue Accelerator Podcast, Jessica describes her tactics for executing these plays that influence everyone personally. 

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All about Plays


Play is sometimes ignored as an essential part of the process. Having fun, especially in business, is sometimes considered taboo or harmful. Nobody has fun doing what they like. We play games because we don't know what's ahead. It has a beautiful aspect of mystery about it. It's disconcerting when we're in that environment, which is similar to the real world. Sometimes, the stakes are slight, but the risk is high. 


Humans learn via stories, and we learn through doing. The combination of games, narrative, and action means learning with our entire body. This thought that you're going to have to move and think is also something that may be frightening for people.

Life as a simulation


We play various roles in our lives, and we sometimes embrace them, and sometimes we don't. However, knowing the advantage and restrictions of the parts we're playing at any particular time allows us to make more robust and intriguing decisions within those roles.


Roles frequently imply permanency, as if you are this rather than trying it on. It is an experiment, you get to make choices within this framework, and you may exit at any time. There are all of these other roles you can try on, and you can merge them. Thus, there is this sensation of having to be someone or achieving a definite mark, but everything is continually altering in reality.


One of the things that games and immersive experiences allow us to integrate a ritual into what we would ordinarily term habit, practice, or professional advancement; hence ritual has a specific energy that carries considerable weight. And it's typically a story-based ritual, and it's still highly communal. Many of these concepts about personal development feel incredibly lonely, or at the very least, associative. Rituals, on the other hand, pull us together and say, "We have this shared purpose." And right now, we're celebrating our existence. Both games and immersive experiences provide us the space to interact in and enjoy those things and create them.


When the opportunity arises, people are eager to participate. You're given an entire document with all the regulations on it, and you're required to study them all before entering a play area. Immersive experiences don't truly make you feel like you're along for the ride. Instead, you're being led through the process. With the appropriate guiding and curation, you can lead them along step by step until there is consent and excitement all the way through.

Variations of Games


There is a common fallacy that games always have win states, which implies constantly losing states. And it doesn't have to be that way; there are plenty of games that don't function that way. There are games that we play for the sake of playing. We play to keep playing, to find a new way to be playful to engage, learn, and change. Games give us a transformative space. Be comfortable enough with the unknown of what comes next, be excited about it, and trust ourselves and the people we're with to find our way.


It's always beneficial to be open and honest, to have another set of eyes. Ask yourself, "What are the guidelines you're now following?" Do you agree with them? Do you want to follow this set of rules? There will always be integration and bridging space in that area. There's an issue of how to open the door for those kinds of dialogues, work culture, what a product will be, and how that product will communicate with others. It's advantageous when you're developing or changing the rules by which a group operates.


If you nerd out on analytics, there are sophisticated and basic solutions that are incredibly fascinating for many people. The most straightforward approach is to start a single experiment.  Choose one character that you play in life and build a list of gaming roles for yourself.


Many people tell us things in the business realm that we were not allowed to dream of. We were told no, but imagination is one of the most potent components of entrepreneurship. Thinking beyond and being reliant on another company or something similar. The entrepreneurial community is driven by rewriting the rules in terms of expectations to finding methods to achieve success,


We have a difficult time envisioning the future. Or it's easy to predict what it's like to be unstuck without truly knowing what that means. It's just aiming for this nebulous concept of perfection that we'll never achieve.

Resources Mentioned

To know more about Jessica Creane, you can reach her on:

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