Revenue Accelerator with Mollie McGlocklin

In this episode of the Revenue Accelerator Podcast, we invited Mollie McGlocklin, the creator of Sleep Is A Skill, and the Sleep Is A Skill Podcast host. Sleep Is A Skill is an organization that improves people’s sleep by combining technology, responsibility, and behavioral change. After struggling with insomnia while traveling globally, she built what she couldn’t find; a location to master the skillset of sleep. Today, Mollie shares her insights on optimizing people’s sleep through a unique blend of technology accountability and behavioral change.

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Circadian Rhythm


The concept of circadian rhythm is every 24 hours, you’re operating on this cycle. It’s about the length of the shifting rotation of the Earth. As diurnal creatures, we’re meant to be active during the day and rest at night. Since humans have roamed the Earth, there has been a particular way of sleeping for a very long time. With the spectrum, you can either be on the weaker side of the spectrum or the stronger side, and it’s dynamic eb and flow at different points.

Consistency in sleep when life is an inconsistent experience


Maintaining that key framework to have consistent cues or that circadian rhythm to entrain that rhythm will make certain things at odds.


Mollie aims to create as much of a consistent rhythm as possible. They have people create what they call “Crafted Circadian Day.” There are concerns around the health implications when challenged by this goal of strengthening your circadian rhythm. As parents, you might have to reframe for specific periods of your lives to have more fragmented sleep.

Affecting the quality of sleep


The most important thing is light. When you first wake up, you’re looking to cultivate something known as sunlight anchoring. This is the first half of your day with a shot of bright light exposure for a decent slice of time. Ideally, you’re looking to be within the first two to three hours or so of getting outside and exposed to sunlight. The earlier you get that first shot of bright light, the earlier you’re going to get tired in the evening.


Vitamin D is crucial to getting great sleep. Suppose you’re aiming to begin your days with vitamin D and then get as many hits of bright light throughout the day. Blue light is present in the sunlight, but it’s a full-frequency light. So it’s going to be always paired with red light infrared light. And then if you’re in different parts of the globe, and other times of the year and weather conditions, then there’s a lot to consider.


The big takeaway is that you’re looking to have as bright days as possible, particularly in the first half of the morning. And then a very dim evening post-sunset.

Correct the damage


Sleep deprivation has been linked to neurodegenerative disorders, or Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s dementia. While sleeping, our brain is shrinking in size to facilitate this fluid to flush out the day's toxins. And then we’re clearing out the brain for proper functionality for the next day.


Some common things can affect deep sleep possibilities. One common thing is eating later. So much blood flows into the stomach. All these things are happening versus the emphasis that you want to be putting, particularly in the brain, among other things throughout your deep sleep cycles.  


Even gadgets out there will cool your forehead, so the prefrontal cortex seems to impact people’s ability to lower sleep latency and the time it takes to fall asleep. All of these things can affect your ability to access those deeper levels of sleep. And then many other things can further impact that coronal pharmacology. 

Investing for Sleep


After years of mismanaging her sleep, Mollie went through a period of insomnia. 


It helps with that focus, clarity, and thinking about all the time that you waste. You can save a lot of time during your day to spend it the way you want. It starts with taking care of yourself.

Resources Mentioned

Discover how Mollie McGlocklin runs through creating the best sleeping pattern and clients by visiting:

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