Revenue Accelerator with Sherri-Lee Woycik

In this episode, we have invited Sherri-Lee Woycik, a Facebook Marketing and Ads Expert and founder of Sherri-Lee’s mission is to help heart-centered entrepreneurs get more clients and customers from Facebook. She teaches and provides social media services to business owners who would like to use Facebook to reach a steady stream of dream customers and clients. Today, Sherri shares how Facebook ads help in growing your business.

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Life Experience


Sherri’s company offers Facebook marketing and Facebook ads services to entrepreneurs all over the world. She had two kids, it was just going to be a part-time gig that she did to get me out of the house a couple of times a month teaching workshops to local business owners and setting up their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Setting your price


The key is I never give up, I've done I'm relentless in personal work, and I never give up; I'll quit for five minutes. And I walk away for like five minutes.


the only thing that's different between these people having success and me having what I'm having is my level of self-confidence.


the whole key is being in question and not looking for the results. Anything you chase tends to run.

Helping clients achieve goals. 


Sherri helps people get massive visibility for their message on Facebook. She says she's seen clients who stop talking about the process and start talking about their results. One client saw an explosion go off in her head when she realized she was writing for them; she helps people get clear on that message and speak so that their community hears the impact and then uses Facebook to get visible and repetitive.  

You need to do Work. 


You must still be here and still having to build up your social and engaging and helping. You must have a concern about it. Facebook advertisements are not the holy grail who will only do it alone. You can't just create an ad and reap the wealth.


Look at super successful people. They already know how to close. They only know what the copy needs to be. They know what image you know their message in their community. And then they repeat them.

Effectively using Facebook. 


Sherri personally loves Facebook, but what many people don't realize is that if they take the time to use it, the way Facebook wants you to use it. If you use the correct profile image, you create the right retargeting audiences in the ads manager, and you can retarget those who engage with your page.


Facebook wants you to do business on your business page, not on your profile. If you take the time to use Facebook properly, Facebook rewards you. 


Facebook has challenged page owners to be more interactive. Facebook tracks that and gives your next post even more reach. It rewards retaining, engaging, informative posts.

Increase Engagement


You cannot run ads to the members of your group or to your group directly. You cannot retarget anything in your groups. Retargeting is where you have a connection with somebody already.


You can grow your ad your group using ads by sending people from your ad off Facebook to a landing page with an excellent copy and a great call to action and a button that takes them back to your Facebook group. And you can now retarget those people who landed there and ended up back at your group in other ads.

Things you need to do on Facebook.


You need to be doing Facebook Lives. People love Facebook Lives as long as you are clear you don't just get on a ramble endlessly. Make it short. Deliver something of value to your audience so that they can watch. Retarget the people who watch those videos and invite them to a free offer.

Executing Ads.


Many people think all they have to do is run a Facebook ad, and it'll be okay; they're running the wrong kind of ads to the bad people at the wrong time. Facebook makes it easy to run ads, and they make it look easy to execute ads.